lunes, 30 de octubre de 2017

Dates and deadlines 1st term

Good morning guys,

     Here I leave all exam dates and deadlines regarding Physical Education 1st term. Remember the evaluation will be on November 29th and 30th.

      1º A:
Notebooks pick up: friday 10th .
Volleyball practical exam: wednesday 15th
Written exam: friday 17th
Pacer: wednesday 22nd 

1º B:
Notebooks pick up: friday 10th
Volleyball practical exam: tuesday 14th
Written exam: friday 17th
Pacer: tuesday 21st

Notebooks pick up: wednesday 8th
Volleyball practical exam: monday 13th
Written exam: wednesday 15th
Pacer: monday 20th

See you at PE!

jueves, 26 de octubre de 2017

Endurance Theory - 1º Bachillerato

Hi to everyone! Hopefully you all are great.

     I have just uploaded important content about physical condition and especially endurance workout. Add it to your folder and please, read it carefully and translate all you hesitate about. Please, ask any quesion you have at class.

     If you can´t get access to the PDF, make sure you have....
a) An account on dropbox, if you don´t want do make your own account, use this one: "", the key is "Ramonycajal".
b) Installed dropbox on your pc.
b) Tried with different browsers: mozilla, internet explorer, google chrome...

     All these pages have relevant content to pass the writing exam as well as increase your knowledge on getting fit through aerobic exercises such as running, swiming, ciclying, ...  

     Everyday is a new chance to make yourselves more able to be self-sufficient on being physically and mentally stronger, do not miss it!

See you at PE ;)

miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2017

10 reasons to give up on ⇒ smoking 

Volleyball Theory - 1º Bachillerato

Here you have some useful documents to learn about adapted volleyball, volleyball vocabulary, history of the game, some rules and techniques.

Save it and add it on your personal PE folder, all exercises have to be completed at the end of the term.

Thank you and enjoy this video!

Warm up plan IDEAS

Hello to everyone! As you have seen in the calendar, everybody will plan a warm up for the group one specific day. It has to be specific for the sport or activity that we will do that day (Remember that in this first term, we play volleibol and train endurance alternatively every week). 

Resultado de imagen de upper extremities stretches
In addition, have a look to this videos about specific examples of warm ups for volleyball:
And finally here you will find a few games to plan, also click on the related videos on the right to explore more and more. 
I hope you have a fun lesson! See you soon!


martes, 17 de octubre de 2017


Hi to everyone! I am Pablo, your Physical Education teacher this year. Hopefully we will get on very well at class and enjoy the lessons, activities, new experiences, trips and so on.

Please remember to visit me from time to time to keep yourself up-to-date with the subject and to learn everything I know about PE and a healthy lifestyle.
See you soon!

PD: in case you wonder what or who is Dick Fosbury... ;)