jueves, 22 de febrero de 2018

Notebook and exam

Remember, the same day of the exam you will give me your notebook, which has to include:

  • All from 1st term. 
  • Unit 3. Strength. 
  • Strength benefits. 
  • Your strength workout session plan.
  • Unit 4. Basketball. 
  • Warm ups. 
  • The media research. 

Remember that to download the units you need to initially open this dropbox account:

Usuario: fosburyblog@gmail.com

Clave: fosburyblog999

Have a good day. 


viernes, 16 de febrero de 2018

Unit 4. Basketball

Hello everybody!

Here I upload unit 4. Basketball, it just contents basic rules and characteristics of the game so that you reach the essential knowledge to play and enjoy the game as much as possible.


Remember to print and add it to your notebook. Remember to translate all words you have troubles with.

Have a great weekend. 😁


martes, 13 de febrero de 2018

Strength Benefits

During last 7 weeks you have been training and doing strength workout, you know how it is, but... do you know why it is so important??? 😮 Here you have a basic list of the strength workout benefits.


Remember to print and add them to the Unit 3. Strength at the notebook, because  👉 they will be on the exam! 👀👈

If you have any doubt or question relating your notebook exam or the practical exams, just let me know 🙋👍

Have a nice day.


jueves, 8 de febrero de 2018

Snow Trip to Boi Taüll

Fourth week of January has been unforgettable for 45 students who went to ski and snowboard to Boi Taüll. Here is a photo we took. We learnt many skills, slept not really much and had an awesome week! Thank you all!

Media Research Work - Instructions